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Bringing the TDK Lambda Power Guy to Life

Bringing the TDK Lambda Power Guy to Life


TDK-Lambda UK leads the industry as a designer and manufacturer of standard and configuration-based AC-DC power supplies.

EPM previously worked with TDK-Lambda on their Power Guy animation, who informs customers about chip solutions. Dressed in a quirky fortune teller machine-style costume, Power Guy demonstrated the extensive testing of TDK-Lambda off-the-shelf solution.

Following on from the successful first TDK Power Guy animation, EPM were commissioned to create an entertaining follow-up to explain the pros and cons of single chip and board solutions.

Using a supplied base script we developed visual ideas throughout the animation to keep the viewer both engaged and informed.

With the Power Guy explaining the narrative, a 5-minute animation was produced to a high standard, matching the professional groundwork laid down from animation one.

The client was kept informed of our ideas for the character throughout and helped guide our creative minds to a positive outcome. Using TDK’s base script, we captured the Power Guy’s persona once again within the finished product.

Creating an engaging and slightly comical take on the script helped keep a tonal theme for the series whilst allowing for the required message to reach the viewer. This allowed us to lift the original script from simply informative to both informative and entertaining.

Breaking the script down into sections we were able to create scenarios for the character to find himself in as he explained the narrative. This allowed us to work on several elements at once checking in with the client as the animation progressed.

Once again, the final animation was well received by the client and used both on their social media channels and for their in-the-field salesforce.

Based on the success of this animation, the next script is currently under development.

Lambda Power Guy Xmas 2022

Following on from the success of the Power Guy animations, TDK wanted to show their character wishing their client a Happy Xmas but in his own unique style. From concept to storyboarding to creation our team developed an amusing short animation which was very well received by the TDK salesforce and their clients.

"The first episode of the Power Guy was about establishing the look and what we could do with the character. Revisiting it enabled us to expand on what we had done before and concentrate on better ways to explain complex concepts in a more visual way. Overall it was fun to work on and comes across in a more engaging way to the viewer."

David Jones - Lead 3D Artist

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